B4Time Self Hosted

On Site Installation

You Host Your own Time & Attendance

We Do The Set Up

Attendance Enterprise Payroll Monitor

Attendance Enterprise is a full-featured time and attendance system that improves Employee Time Tracking, Scheduling, Benefit Accruals, Attendance Exception Point Tracking and Reporting and more.

  • Stay informed with real-time dashboards of essential labor information
  • Identify attendance exceptions such as tardiness and absenteeism and take action quickly
  • Eliminate unapproved overtime
  • Automate time off requests and approvals
  • Correct and approve employee time cards quickly
  • Address unresolved absences by re-categorizing when proper documentation is provided
  • Empower employees and minimize inquiries to HR for attendance and benefit information
  • Reduce redundancy by entering information only once
  • Cut payroll costs by automating complex payroll policies
  • Simplify regulatory compliance and wage audits
  • Improve management and employee communication

We Can  Custom To Fit Any Need

Attendance Enterprise can any size organization—purchase the user accounts and number of employees your company needs.  Attendance Enterprise  scales to accommodate the changing size of your workforce.